lished for enlightenment as well as entertainment, the history of homosexuals in all areas of science, the arts, literature, music, government, entertainment, etc. They are unaware of the progress being made toward full citizenship, and participation. Perhaps you can help to broaden one fellow's horizons, by entering the gift subscription enclosed herein.

Though there are other publications, and other organizations one could choose from, I consider yours the most dedicated, intelligent, and socially conscious. I hope others will join you in a concerted effort in the years ahead.

Dear Mr. Conger:

Mr. V.

Newark, New Jersey

This clipping on extortion rings victimizing homosexuals perhaps indicates, in some respects, that the tide is turning in favor of justice for the homosexual in modern society. Do you think the legal powers-thatbe, esteemed jurists, et al, will NOW realize that the archaic laws making homosexual acts between consenting adults a crime just provide criminal racketeers with more fodder?

Let's work, lobby, or what have you, for the REMOVAL of the inequitable, ridiculous laws now on the statute books-if it means taking the fight straight to the Supreme Court!


Mr. L.

Atlanta, Georgia

My monthly membership payment is enclosed. I look forward to your terse periodical, and sure liked the picture and story, "How Had It Happened, Exactly?" (ONE Magazine, Feb. '66)

A homosexual in a large large metropolitan area has it tough, I know, but God pity and have mercy on the homosexual in smaller towns, where distance makes it impossible to attend your seminars, symposiums, lectures and classes.

The suicide reported in the enclosed clipping is just another example of the results. of man's inhumanity to man. Society must always have a whipping-boy. In the years. past, it has been the Jews, then the Catholics, then the Negroes,-but these minorities have largely thrown off the yoke of hatred, bigotry, and discrimination; now the homosexual is the scapegoat for the rage and insanity of the ignorant.

When will the world ever get over the antiquated idea that a human male is nothing but "ein kindermacher?" May the day break, and the shadows flee away!

Dear ONE:

Mr. C.


You should be informed of some strange events which have been happening in Dallas

Public Schools. It seems that a police officer is being sent around to Dallas Junior High Schools, holding discussions on homosexuality. I do not know the nature of these discussions, nor the idea behind them. I'm sure Dallas law enforcement officers are becoming alarmed at the large number of homosexuals in Dallas, and have taken this action in hopes of nipping it in the bud. If this is the philosophy, it is my opinion that such actions will do little good. I mean, if you're gay, you're gay. Mr. S.

Dear Sirs:

Fort Worth, Texas

Although I do not know if your excellent publication is still in existence, I am writing just the same. You see, for the past year, I've been a patient in a large state mental hospital, where I've been kept completely isolated from the publishing world. I certainly hope you are still publishing, as I would like to renew my subscription.

In the hospital I was in, the doctors looked upon homosexuality as a great crime, and would throw us in seclusion rooms even for getting an erection in the shower room. God halp the unfortunate homosexual actually caught in the act! And the irony of it all is that a number of the doctors were gay themselves, and they treated us even worse than the straight ones did.

You should really make a study of homosexuality in mental hospitals, since that's where most of us eventually end up, once in trouble with the law, even if it's only for 90 days observation. The viscid mentality of psychiatrists flows slowly; their torpid minds, supposedly sharp, are saturated with such a diabolic solution of prejudices . believe me, man, it's a bad scene all over.

Philadelphia is up so tight that it's almost impossible to enjoy oneself. The police are arresting everyone from college students smoking pot, to queens in semi-drag (not even with eye-shadow). I've got to hit the coast, man, or really go crazy. I understand that things are becoming more and more tolerant out there all the time. I hope this is so, because if it is, California, here I come! Mr. M.

Dear Sir:

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I have finally gotten around to answering your request in the October Magazine. Though I am unfortunately not able to assist financially in any project, that will not prohibit me from at least giving some of my time and energy-especially toward promoting a greater understanding of homosexuals by the heterosexual world. If I can be of help in some way, please keep me in mind. "They also serve, who only sit and work!" Mr. V.

New York City, New York